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Store owners and ecommerce sites?

Delivery service with a premium experience

a plane

מלאו את הפרטים הבאים ונחזור אליכם בהקדם:


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ePack Delivery

ePack delivery branded commercial vehicle for collections
ePack delivery branded commercial vehicle for errands

We deliver
Courier services to all parts of the country

We are everywhere in Israel, for you.

Delivery the next day or up to 72 hours with a commitment!

Excellent service, just a click away.

? how is it work with us


Premium experience service

Service in the Premium experience is much more than regular delivery. It offers a unique experience that combines speed, reliability, exceptional customer service and additional functions tailored to your unique needs.


Benefits and gifts on holidays and dates

We at ePack, take the customer experience one step further and offer special benefits and generous gifts during holidays and holidays. This approach is not only a great way to celebrate the dates, but also a great opportunity to strengthen our relationships with our customers, increase trust and create a positive and supportive atmosphere.


Use of advanced technologies

We take the experience even one step further and incorporate advanced technologies in a variety of aspects of our activities, while guaranteeing an efficient, accurate and more convenient service for our customers. Our technology meets you with the ability to follow the messenger online on the map from anywhere.

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Let's talk.

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ePack Delivery Logo


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